Cuanto Sale La Pastilla Cytotec

Recent studies show that the use of Cytotec/Misoprostol can be used in women who have spontaneous miscarriage or incomplete abortion. Less than 10% of physicians use Misoprostol to treat miscarriage, while 50% of physicians treat them with the use of surgery D C. Cytotec is highly safe, efficient and effective for treating miscarriage as it promotes expulsion of the fetus and any remaining gestational contents in the uterus. This choice is not often discussed with patients as an option to aid in completion of the miscarriage. The use of Misoprostol for miscarriage management poses less risk than those associated with invasive surgery. With the use of Cytotec/Misoprostol there is no risk of complications from anesthesia or side effects from sedatives and analgesics. There is no risk of cervical tears or laceration, bowel or bladder injury or uterine perforation. There is no need for scraping with a uterine curette which can cause uterine scarring Ashermans leading to the possibility of chronic pelvic pain and infertility. These risks cannot be overemphasized. Misoprostol can be used in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy within various dosages and guidelines for treating miscarriage and fetal death in utero. In over 50% of cases, surgery can be avoided with the use of Cytotec. Cytotec has shown to be between 95 to 98% effective for the treatment of miscarriage. Retained products of conception may occur with Cytotec. There is a higher incidence of retained products if expectant management observation only is used as a treatment for miscarriage. Discomfort may occur with a spontaneous miscarriage or with the use of Misprostol for treating miscarriage; however, the use of narcotic medication is rarely necessary. Unlike surgical D Cs, long term complications with the use of Misprostol do not exist. Exposure of a fetus to Misoprostol in early pregnancy increases the incidence of fetal abnormalities. The majority of abnormalities affect the upper and lower extremities and central nervous system Mobius Syndrome. This was first noted in Brazil in the early 90s with women who used Misoprostol to terminate pregnancy. Absence of the fingers and toes, club foot, and abnormalities of the cranial nerves VII, VI, V, and XII can occur. These abnormalities have an incidence of 10 per 1000 exposed fetuses. Thus, women who undergo an abortion pill procedure with Cytotec must agree to having a surgical procedure if the medical abortion fails. USA MIAMI